Verb: pootle
poo-t(u)l To move in a leisurely unhurried way,
with no real purpose

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Sunshine ...

♥  Woke up this morning and realised it was going to be one of those unusual days when the sun shone - yay!
                                 Too lovely for inside pootling so the garden it is.
                              Was a little tricky to decide between crochet and tea here...

or serious gardening of the weeding variety.
Surprisingly the weeding won (no pictures of this as that would be just a tad dull) but my incentive was that weeding completed fun gardening could be done, i.e. making my pots look lovely and hanging lots of little tin birds around the place.
                             ♥  Nothing too serious to be done just a bit of clipping and tidying and
                                       cutting off the old daisies so new ones will grow back.

                                            ♥   ...obviously it was essential that Lilou got involved.

                                                                     Job done!
                                And the best bit is that because I did my gardening chores today
                                          it can be crochet and tea here all day tomorrow.


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