Verb: pootle
poo-t(u)l To move in a leisurely unhurried way,
with no real purpose

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Its all about the flowers ... oh, and a few blackcurrants !

So there I was on Saturday all ready to go with this post, 
just a couple of pictures needing to be added, but all pretty much there.
And then,
on Sunday this little bundle arrived ...

... and from the minute he arrived that was it ...
absolutely nothing got done !
So, if I may I would like to formally introduce you.
 Otto, Everyone. Everyone, Otto.
There's an awful lot of doggy love going on in our house at the moment 
as well as quite a lot of sleepless nights
but we are totally in

So, coming back to this post, needless to say, all activities were carried out pre-puppy arrival,
 which already seems like quite some time ago !

I have to tell you first all about my daisy chain.
This started as a quick little pootle to finish off the lovely Sublime Egyptian Cotton that 
I had left over from my cushions.
I have to say that I'm not a huge fan of the smaller, fiddlier crochet projects
 but I have loved every minute of this one.

The pattern is one from Ravelry by Claire Maloney that can be found here.

It was a really clear and easy pattern to follow and the daisies worked up so quickly.
Because I wanted quite a solid look to my flowers I joined the petal chain together at the back.

I made the leaves in two different colour greens, and used a strand of each green to make a 
double chain to join the daisies together.

I took a bit of time to lay the chain out as it would be once hanging and then it was just a 
matter of threading everything on and tying and sewing in all the ends.

And then for the exciting bit ...
off to hang it up.
But it has to be said this didn't go as well as could be expected.
It just kind of went all floppy and wibbly,
quite annoying but certainly nothing to be beaten by
so back to the drawing board I went and I came up with this:
Step 1: A quick trip to the hardware shop to buy some wire.
Step 2: Threading the wire through the back of the chain.
Step 3: A bit of blocking and a quick spray with some ironing starch.

 And, surprisingly all three steps seems to have worked because once blocked and dry
here it is...

hanging on my fireplace, looking all lovely and summery.

I discovered here that its actually really quite tricky to take a picture of something bunting like -
you either have to get up so close that you miss the overall effect, or you have to stand so far back it disappears into the background.

So not the best photo's I'm afraid but you get the general idea.

From crochet flowers to real flowers as it was my turn on the rota this 
weekend to do the village church flowers.

I always get a bit nervous about doing the flowers because its not something that I've really
 done much of and the thought of lots of people sitting in church checking it out 
always brings me out in a bit of a cold sweat.

But flowers bought and with a bit of greenery picked from the garden off I went.

Fortunately once I had removed all the flowers from last week there was still quite a lot of foliage
 left which gave me a good shape to work with. Result !

It was so quiet and cool in the church that it really was a very lovely way to spend an 
hour on Saturday morning.

I just cut and poked ( thank goodness for oasis ) and cut and poked a bit more
and it just sort of evolved.

Hopefully during the week the yellowy orange lilies will open
 out and it should be a big old riot of colour.

Before I go I just have to tell you as well about one of my most favouritest puddings that I made this weekend,  blackcurrant flummery -  summer in a bowl !

It couldn't be easier as its just blackcurrants, simmered and strained and then sweetened 
with sugar and thickened with a little cornflour.

It makes the most deliciously rich fruit jelly you will ever taste.

Its best served cold, with shortbread,

and lots and lots of cream !

Yes, well - what can I say !

Long post today ..... 
I expect I'm quite probably talking to myself now !
So, I shall be off
as its almost certainly time for a garden visit with little Otto.

Have a lovely week and may the sun continue to shine - lots.


  1. Hi Kate,

    I have been very patiently waiting for this post to arrive. Otto is lovely and no doubt Lilou will be keeping him in check. It's been so hot over the weekend that my little four paws have been sunbathing in the garden and having plenty of water. It's been too hot for walks for them until 9pm by which point they are all curled up on their bed. I'm not very good with flowers so I do sympathise but you made a stirling effort and they look wonderful. I like the look of you r pudding too.

    1. Yes Mitzi - there's a lot of hot dogs round ours too ! Have a lovely week, K x

  2. Your daisy chain is lovely and all the things in your blog are interesting, but I have to admit, Otto definitely steals the show with that first picture ;-)))
    He is utterly drop dead cute !!

  3. Oh what a gorgeous boy Otto is! :)
    Love your daisy chain and I have to say you did an amazing job on the church flowers!

    1. Thank you Vivienne - he's certainly getting lots of cuddles ! K x

  4. Oh Otto is just gorgeous!! I hope to see many more photos of him dotted into your blog as time goes on! Love the daisy chain!!! X

    1. Hi Helen
      Can pretty much guarantee there will be more photo's to come ! K x

  5. Hi Kate your Daisy Chain is beautiful you make things sound so easy but I'm sure many hours were spent putting it together so exquisitely. I love your new family addition lots of fun will be had x

    1. Aww thanks Sue, you so could do the daisy chain though, it truly wasn't difficult. Have a lovely week K x

  6. So many good things here! Otto is adorable! Oh my goodness, what a pretty puppy. Your daisy chain is beautiful, I would love to make one too, maybe for my daughter's bedroom. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Jennifer, You should definitely give the daisy chain a go - it was really fun to make. K x

  7. Otto is gorgeous!!!! I love the daisy chain too, it looks perfect on your fireplace and is a great addition for summer. It sounds as though you have been very busy, but doing good things which is nice! Happy cuddling with Otto! xx

    1. I'll give Otto a special Amy cuddle from you ! K x

  8. What a lovely little doggie. Well, probably not so little. But he's absolutely gorgeous. You did a beautiful job with the church flowers, well done! CJ xx

    1. You should see his paws CJ - they are HUGE ! K x

  9. A lovely post, Kate! How adorable Otto is! Your daisy bunting is so gorgeous, how nicely made and well done on finding a way to make it hang well. Btw, I think we have the same little white clock, and I just took a photo of mine the other day too :) Your church flowers look really beautiful, and what a lovely peaceful way to spend some quiet time.
    Helen xox

    1. Thank you Helen, yes, it really was a very peaceful way to spend a Saturday morning.
      Have a lovely weekend,K x

  10. I love your daisy chain.
    Its beautiful !
    I bet that new fur baby will be a real time waster :)

  11. I love your daisy chain Kate, it's very pretty and hangs well on your lovely fireplace. Otto is a little sweetie, what lovely blue eyes - do they stay blue? Sounds a silly question, but when I had my kittens their little blue eyes changed colour after a while. Your church flowers are lovely and what a lovely way to spend a morning, I should imagine it was very tranquil. Yummy flummery! I wonder if I can do that with some of my cherries? Have a great weekend, hope little Otto isn't disturbing your sleep too much.
    Jane xx

    1. HI Jane. I think that Otto's eyes will turn amber eventually, like Lilou's, but at the moment they are just the most stunning blue.Would love to know if cherry flummery works !
      Have a lovely weekend, K x

  12. Just discovered your blog :-) Hello to Otto, what a gorg pup. Lovely job on the flower display and daisy chain garland

    1. Hi Faith and welcome to Just Pootling !
      Have a great weekend,
      K x

  13. Now dont get me wrong, you did a great job with those chrch flowers, stunning display. but next time just take the daisy chain buntingy garland thingy :)))))

    1. Now why didn't I think of that Jill !! I could yarn bomb the church ! :-) K xxxx

  14. Thank you Kate for viewing my blog and leaving such a lovely comment but more importantly thank you for the opportunity to discover your blog, it is just wonderful, love it a lot.
    Mentally retained the wire on the garland tip-why didn't that cross my mind before now!!?.
    Otto-oh my days, he is huge and totally adorable, looks like a part of the family already.
    Your garden chair cushions are gorgeous, you obviously have a flair for colour combinations, just perfect.
    Enjoy puppy times, remember it well from years gone by.

    1. Glad you enjoyed your Pootle Helen, see you again soon, K x

  15. He is clearly delightful. And clearly keeping you busy. Have fun! (I'm envying you all those puppy kisses :) )

    1. If I could bottle his delicious puppy smell I'd send you some Annie - he's just so scrummy. x

  16. So much loveliness here Kate, Otto is so darned cute and adorable! Am sure your days will be even busier and more fun than ever!
    Loving the crochet daisy chain, it looks brilliant, and your flower arrangement is beautiful.
    The blackcurrant fool looks delicious too, and obviously went down well!
    Enjoy the pup!
    Gill xx

  17. Oh my what a gorgeous garland, I really really love it and honestly I want to make one NOW!!! Gorgeous flowers and that blackcurrent fool looks so scrum my! Enjoy your weekend sweetie xoxo

  18. Oh, how did I miss this?! Otto is so, so gorgeous. I am puppy broody now.

    The daisy chain garland is gorgeous, too, by the way! x


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