
ERRATA, 35 Crocheted Wreaths and Garlands.

Monday 9 May 2016

Oh My !

Oh My ! 
Where, oh where, oh where does the time go ? 
My poor little blog space seems to be having to take a bit of a back seat lately
 and I feel terrible that it was way back in March that I last sat down to write a post.

So, I come bearing flowers and hope that you will 
have a couple of minutes for a sit down, a cuppa and a catch-up !

I'd love to be able to tell you that it's because I've been off 
travelling the world or that I've been tucked away inventing
something magnificently earth shatteringly amazing !
 But I totally haven't and my only journeys have been to work and back
  and, other than a few crochet designs, 
I have nothing new to offer to the meaning of life.

Sadly, ( or interestingly !! ) I can't even claim that my 'busy' has involved the
 boring household stuff, as my ironing pile is as high as the ceiling
 and, quite frankly, I have no idea how we'd manage
 in our house without ready meals !

Even my trip to the garden centre to buy useful garden type stuff 
resulted in me coming home with a lovely bag full of ribbons

 and cards and delicious stationery from the gift department :)

But busy is good -
I love BUSY.
And even on those days when I think how lovely it 
would be to just have nothing at all on the 'To Do' list
I know that within literally five minutes I would have found 
stacks of things to fill it up with again !

I am still designing and writing tutorials for The Crochet Club 
and as there has pretty much been one a week since the 
beginning of the year crochet still takes up a very 
large percentage of my day ..... 
and that makes me very HAPPY !

Today I have finally got around to uploading all the
 latest designs to my blog, 
and all the patterns are ready and waiting for you in 
the right hand sidebar of this page.

From Bathmats to Backpacks, to Crochet Beads and Bunny Hats ....
the list is nothing if not varied !

The other fun thing that I have been up to is taking an online
 photography course .... 
and well, who knew !! 
So many little tips and tricks of the trade.
The course was run by the lovely Emily Quinton of Makelight - 
she also has a fab website that it is well worth taking a peek at.

Oh, it's been lovely to pop back to this quiet little blog corner this afternoon - 
and I really must try harder to not leave it so long next time.

Busy is good but sometimes tea and a catch up is even better.
Wishing you all a happy week.


  1. Love those daisies in the jug surrounded by fairy lights! What a nice way to come back! such lovely crochet in neutral tones as well.

  2. Such pretty designs, lovely colour combinations and fabulous photos! Thoroughly enjoyed reading your latest blog post, welcome back. x

  3. Well, your IG feed shows that you are still as busy as ever! It's good to read a blog post though, as more detail is always a good thing:)

  4. Great to know your back, and as ever with a traffic up date and lovely makes. I kept popping on your blog and linked into some of the other blogs you have listed and through this have found the wonderful world of podcast. I clicked into 'Loop and Bar' viewed all her podcast and through this found 'The Gentle Knitter' then 'Bakery Bears'. All great podcast sad to say I'm hooked it's quite addictive.
    There are so many of you talented people out there and I do appreciate the time you give in sharing your makes and talent.
    Love all your makes racksack is on my list to make. Thank you Jackie

    1. The internet is a wonderful place isn't it ! Hours can go by far too easily 😄 Xx

  5. Lovely to catch up with you, keep enjoying your crochet!

  6. Hi Kate, I just had to let you know that after finding you on Instagram, I have spent the last couple of weeks reading through your lovely blog from the very beginning. I absolutely love everything you have made and to say that you have inspired me to keep persevering with my crochet must be the understatement of the century! I literally want to make EVERYTHING on your blog. You have a really special blog and your enthusiasm and love for crochet is quite simply contagious.

    Please keep up the good work; I so look forwards to seeing what else you'll be sharing with us. I am so glad I found your beautiful blog and I just hope one day I'll be as good at crochet as you are.😊

    1. Hello Johanna, Wow, thank you so much for all your lovely words, and for taking the trouble to get in touch - it's really means alot. IG and other Blogs have given me so much inspiration too, its a very special community I think. Thank you so much again, K xx

  7. Hello Kate. Glad to see you're back in blog land. Life being busy IS good I agree. Have kept up with you over at IG and live all your work and the 'grey' you really are very talented. Love it xxxx welcome back xxxx

  8. Nice to catch up again. I also get caught up in stuff especially on line. Just discovered instagram and am enjoying following you on there. I could spend hours looking at photos and dreaming so please don't stop sharing 😍

  9. Hello all you crochet is so lovely!!Have happy week


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