
ERRATA, 35 Crocheted Wreaths and Garlands.

Monday 1 February 2016

A whole lot of waffle ...

A couple of weeks ago I finished my Waffle Stitch blanket and I have to say, 
I think it has been one of favourite blanket makes so far.

I've been wanting to try this particular stitch for some time now and 
so once I'd decided that I would have a blanket all lined up to start in
 those lovely, lazy post Christmas days I didn't have to think 
twice about the sort of blanket it was going to be.

After a very good heads up from a friend on Instagram I ordered all the 
yarn from Hobby Craft and it literally arrived the very next day. 
I used The Women's Institute Soft and Smooth Aran,
 and with it coming in balls of 400g 
and being on offer at three balls for two I was all set to go.

To learn how to do the stitch I watched a video by BellaCoco and this
 really helped me to get the hang of it very quickly.

Once I'd made my starting chain I was off !

It really is the most satisfying stitch to do as the pattern forms so quickly
 that it makes you want to keep doing the next row, and the next, 
and the next, just to see how it's going to look.

It works up to look differently on the reverse, 
with the pattern being equally as lovely as the front.

In no time at all I was all ready to add the finishing border and with the 
blanket being super chunky and squishy I needed to make sure the border matched.

In the end I decided to go with a contrasting colour 
and to keep it simple and not too elaborate.

I used a border that I have done before on my Meadow Picnic Blanket.
It starts with a round of DC, but to create a blanket stitch look I made the DC a deep stitch.

The second round is worked on the reverse 
and is sort of giant bobbles come mini pompoms !
The full instructions for it can be found here.

It seemed that before I knew it the blanket was finished,
and, sad though this makes me sound - I felt quite lost when it was all done :-) !

I have no doubt at all that there will just have to be another one in the making soon .........

but in the meantime one very lucky little pooch has a new bedtime blankie.

The full pattern and details for my Waffle Blanket can be found here.


  1. Oh Kate it's so lovely! The stitch lends itself well to chunky (or does the chunky lend itself well to the stitch?). Either way, it's fab. The border is perfect too :) Jillxo

  2. What a gorgeous blanket,you've crocheted it beautifully, can't believe your dog is the lucky recipient. I wouldn't be able to handle seeing all my hard work covered in hair...or is he the non-moulting variety?

  3. Absolutely gorgeous texture and I love the colour and the edge as well. You have such a good eye for making beautiful blankets, how lovely they all look together. CJ xx

  4. Absolutely wonderful Kate, looks so squishy and I love the look of the waffle texture. Have a great week xx

  5. It's really lovely. Perfect stitch and yarn combo. How very satisfying.

  6. That is a lucky little pooch! And that is a lovely stitch.

  7. It's a beauty, great job
    Clare x

  8. Well, THIS is a fun place! Hello, Kate! Loved reading about your Waffle blanket! I will come back often to see what you are up to. :)

  9. Beautiful blanket Kate! I finally discovered your blog having followed you on Instagram for a while now, I find your photos so lovely and inspiring and they certainly brighten my day! I'm quite new to crochet and hope to continue learning new things, which I try and blog about too and I can't wait to try your little hearts! Emma x

  10. Looks just amazing and so cosy! Love the contrast edge too, just perfect as usual.
    Gill xx

  11. Your blanket is beautiful! When I first saw the picture, I thought it was knit in a Brioche stitch. I was surprised to see that it is crocheted! Very nice!


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